Monday, April 16, 2007

your re-education is about to begin

Year Zero is here. The new NIN album drops on 4.17.2007, but I was able to score a copy today at an independant music store in Indy. Chain stores suck....always go local.

Things are well, and better now that NIN plays in my ears.

F1 season rocking, Indycars coming to my hometown soon...and I soooooooooooooooo cannot wait for that.

no surprises there.

I am writing a few things, more info to come.


Monday, March 19, 2007

ACT now

I could say something cheesy today like: Your planet thanks you...

but I will spare you.

do the right thing.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sign of the times

Poll: Less than half of Americans think U.S. can win in Iraq
- source

I never remember, and no I wasnt alive during Vietnam, a war that we didn't think we can win. I find this hard to accept. First, let me say I am against the invasion and in turn, the travesty that is the current war...however, we are there. We have two options, run and let the middle east fight it out themselves, potentially putting even more at risk, or stay, ramp up the troops and kick some ass. The main question is who's ass are we kicking? There is no single way to eliminate all the pockets of "hate" and make Iraq like the USA. So, how do we do this?

I don't know. Is leaving the best option given the fact it may be unable to be won? This is a hard thing to contemplate when you look at all the pieces involved.

I support our troops. Thank you for serving us.

I support our Country, even though externally we may be viewed differently than any time in history, a lot of that goes to the one guy I absolutely have no support for:

Our commander in chief (not capitalized on purpose)

Republicans are hypocrites and Democrats are spineless.

Two party systems suck.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

the daily grind...

Gonzales faces calls for resignation, cancels trip

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales abruptly canceled travel plans today amid growing calls for his ouster over the firings of eight federal prosecutors during a White House-directed housecleaning of U.S. attorneys. Sen. Charles E. Schumer, who is leading a Senate investigation of the firings, called for the second time in three days for Gonzales to go.

Another brick in the wall is collapsing. The administration is a joke, its all falling apart. however, we are stuck until early 2009...please go quick.

NIN Survivalism video on

Marilyn Manson - new album coming in June...followed by a world tour.

Formula 1 Season kicks off Saturday night, the ncaa tourney starts tonight, the indycar series starts next week, its actually a good time to be alive if you close your eyes from the headlines.

Friday, March 9, 2007

todays news

FBI snooping broke rules

The FBI is guilty of "serious misuse" of the power to secretly obtain private information under the Patriot Act, a government audit said today. The Justice Department's inspector general looked at the FBI's use of national security letters, in which agents demand personal and business information about individuals without court orders.

This goes right in line with my huge distaste for our Government. Right wing, left doesnt matter anymore. I am fed up with them all.

My one vote wont make a difference as long as big money lobbyists have control of our government...not a new trend I may add.

I have an overwhelming feeling of a need to shock the system. despite all my rage...blah blah blah.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

so tired

of stress
of death
of war
of politics
of traffic
of assholes
of hypocrites

Monday, February 26, 2007

Beside you in time..

Released a day early. It is spectacular. Can't wait for 04.17.07. Year Zero.

He is about right...the situation in the middle east continues to heat up, and our President does nothing to make it better....

but he sure put us here.

Thanks W.

I will more than likely never be a Republican again, then again some on my side of the aisle agitate me as well. Maybe, at the end of the just doesnt matter.

jesus, thats sad....